More than a massage.

We offer a variety of soft tissue therapies and our exam will determine which will be the most beneficial. We combine therapies such as Active Release, Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM, Graston, FAKTR, etc), Cupping, and Taping to make sure the treatments are more effective and the results are longer lasting. 

Our Soft Tissue Method

How we tailor your treatment to your needs.

There are so many different methods of soft tissue therapy available now, how do you know which is right for you?

Our doctor will use a variety of methods to ensure you get what you need, this could include your history, subjective complaints, orthopedic exams, diagnostic imaging, or a hands-on approach. Injuries can differ from person to person so we strive to find what treatment you need for your specific case. 


Common Injuries we treat with soft tissue therapies.

Our team of experienced professionals is passionate about guiding you on your wellness journey.

From pain management and fitness to mental and emotional well-being, we care about helping you and educating you on the process.

Reach out to our team by phone or email or schedule a booking online.
