Acupuncture + Dry Needling

Healing from within.

A system of integrative medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West. Trigger-point dry needling is an invasive procedure where a fine needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points (MTrP) which are hyper-irritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.Trigger point dry needling can be carried out at superficial or deep tissue level.

How does dry needling help me with my condition?

When it comes to musculoskeletal care, every treatment is a stimulus. The trick is finding the right stimulus for you and your injury. Most injuries have a window of time where your body will heal itself. Dry needling is a fantastic way to relax the muscles and stimulate the healing processes of the body after that window of time has already passed. 

Common Conditions We Treat With Needling?

  • Muscle Tension
  • Headaches
  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Rotator Cuff
  • Hip Impingement
  • Shin Splints
  • High Hamstring Strains
  • Tennis Elbow
  • And more...
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