Is there more to fixing midback pain than an adjustment?

Most people think of the adjustment when thinking of chiropractors and the most common area we see in social media is the midback. Sure, the popping noise is satisfying and most people have fairly immediate relief after an adjustment, but is that all there is too it?

Soft Tissue, the chicken or the egg?

Did tight muscles cause the restricted joint or did the joint cause the tight muscles? The truth is it's likely a mixture of both and both need to be addressed to truly find lasting relief. When we take you through a Selective Functional Movement Assessment we will find out what areas of the body might be contributing to the tension throughout the midback. We can then utilize one of our many soft tissue therapies to relieve tension and reduce any trigger points that may be causing pain. 

Passive therapies vs. Active therapies

Once we have done our job and taken care of any tight joints or muscles we put the ball in your court by giving you exercises to do on your own at home. This gives you more power to fix yourself and use our services on your terms. One of the most common causes of pain in the midback is a condition referred to as upper crossed syndrome, strengthening the deep neck flexors and middle/lower traps can give patients a lot of relief and it is generally long-lasting. 

What are the next steps?

Once we have your pain under control and you have your rehab, you get to decide where you want to move forward, whether it's maintenance care or joining our gym for small-group fitness that is personalized to you. I recommend that every patient has some form of physical fitness in their life and that's why we created a program that helps get you strong and resilient without the fear of re-injury. 


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