Why am I experiencing headaches?

There can be multiple causes of headaches and some of the most common ones we treat at the office include:

  • Cervical Joint Restriction
  • Muscular Imbalances
  • Poor Posture
  • Weak Deep Neck Flexors and Middle/Lower Traps
  • Poor Nutrition

What can a chiropractor do for headaches?

There are multiple therapies we can use for the treatment of headaches. Many of the headaches we treat in the office are caused by a condition referred to as Upper Crossed Syndrome. This is a condition that causes tension and joint restriction due to poor posture. Chiropractic Adjustments or gentle mobilization can help with joint restriction, we can then follow up with soft tissue work to help with any of the remaining tension. To help ensure long-lasting relief we then prescribe exercises to strengthen the deep neck flexors and middle/lower traps as well as stretches to help maintain the newfound range throughout the neck. 

Call today!

If you're tired of dealing with headaches call or go online to our scheduler so that we can work together to create a personalized treatment plan for you!

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